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Ouyama - New Taiwan Photographic Corporation Odette X3000
France Version française
Photos by Howard Patterson text by Howard Patterson. From the collection of Howard Patterson. Last update 2024-04-11 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Taïwan from (Circa) 1984 to (After) 1984.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 8341

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Ouyama - New Taiwan Photographic Corporation 

Ouyama is also known as New Taiwan Photographic Corporation (NTPC). Like those of Formosa Plastics Corporation (FPC), NTPC's products are plastic, of poor quality (from a photographic perspective), and are found under multiple names, often used as promotional gifts. The Canomatic is representative of this manufacturer. It appears that FPC manufactured for NTPC.
The other products can be grouped into several types:

      Markings on lens #on lens

SLR appearance
Off-center viewfinder
Finger rest on the right hand
Odette X3000 New Optical Lens
1:5.6 f=50mm Series 626326
Derlai (Nestlé)

SLR appearance
Off-center viewfinder
Finger rest on the right hand
Exposure table
2000 Agfa New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series 624181
Komax 2000 Agfa

SLR appearance
Off-center viewfinder
Finger rest on both ends
Exposure table
Gold lettering on models bearing the number 198761
(La Maison de Valérie) Agfa New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761
Agfa 624181
Agfa Lens Made in Japan
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761
Agfa Lens Made in Japan
1:6.3 f=50mm series 624181

Starflex Agfa

SLR appearance
Dual viewfinders
Gold lettering
Asaflex EF-300 Agfa Lens Made in Japan
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761

SLR appearance
Off-center viewfinder
Red trim on the shutter release
Okaido Agfa Lens Made in Japan
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761
Meikai AR-4367 Agfa New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761
Novai 7000 Agfa

SLR appearance
Built-in flash on the (fake) prism cover
Off-center viewfinder
Red trim on the shutter release
Flash shoe
Fukaï WR-2 New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761
Yoshita MF-A7000F Lens Made in Japan
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761

Built-in flash
Off-center viewfinder
Ocean New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761

DV-360F Aspherical Lens
1:4.5 f=50mm

Built-in flash
Off-center viewfinder
S-1000 New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series

SLR appearance
Red trim on the shutter release
Off-center viewfinder
Meikai AW-4366 New Color Optical Lens
1:6.3 f=50mm series 198761

SLR appearance
Flash in the fake prism
Off-center viewfinder
Nikai Royal Big View Focus Free
Lens Made in Japan

SLR appearance
Off-center viewfinder
Nikayo 50mm 6.3
Focus Free
Optical Lens
Made in Japan

SLR form. Side viewfinder. Flash in line with the lens.
Asaflex EF 50 Debonair Lens Made in Japan

Auto Fix Focus 50 mm Lens 1:6

SLR shape. Side viewfinder. Flash on the fake prism.
Asaflex EF-80 Debonair New Optical Lens

Auto Fix Focus 50 mm Lens 1:6

Nikaï Color Optical Lens

f=1:6.3 50mm


The Odette X3000 has only one shutter speed and one aperture. On the positive side the aperture is small (about F11), circular and centred on the middle of the lens. The photo might not be perfectly exposed, but at least it will be the best the meniscus lens can produce. Kodak made millions of cameras on the same principle.

Cameras of this type do not generally claim that the lens was made in Japan, and since it does not claim to be glass either, it is probably plastic. In 1985 the use of plastic lenses was relatively new. There is no evidence of any ballast being added in the base.

The Odette X3000 has another peculiarity. We have seen a camera with an aperture ring that doesn’t do anything (GMTEX GT-304); this camera has a 'focus ring' that doesn’t move the lens. The closest distance on this non functioning ring is 1.2 m, which is probably the closest limit of  the fixed aperture (F11) lens.  

The integral sun hood is an unusual feature but probably a good idea with a simple lens subject to flare. There is some evidence that the names "Odette " and "Quickshot" were brands of NTPC, whose best known but much later brand was "Ouyama". Later more extravagant cameras sold by NTPC were often supplied with a flexible plastic lens hood. 

The (false) prism serves the useful purpose of raising a flash well above the lens barrel, and reducing the possibility of the lens hood casting a shadow in the photograph.


The design of this camera is original, even stylish, when compared with contemporary cameras of similar specification. It's closest rival in the USA would have been the Kodak Instamatic X-15/15X (1970-1988) which sold for about $15. Similar cameras to this one sold for about $10. The Instamatic had a square format (less vignetting behind a similar lens), a restricted choice of films, and could not take electronic flash.  




Ouyama - New Taiwan Photographic Corporation Odette X3000

Cameras from Ebay France (Ouyama - New Taiwan Photographic Corporation) (Uploaded each 3 hours)